Cancellation & Refund Policy
Cancellation & Refund
- In case your plans changed, simple cancellation process makes sure you receive a quick confirmation and fast refunds.
- Check in time is 2 PM and you can check-in any time after that your reservation is valid.
Cancellation Time | Early Check In Charges |
If cancelled one day before the check-in date before 9 AM | Free cancellation (100% refund) |
If cancelled on day before the check in date after 9 AM | 0% refund |
Before check-in
Any booking cancelled up to 24 hours of scheduled check in date, will be fully refunded. For any cancellation within 24 hours of scheduled check in, the complete booking amount shall be deducted as cancellation / no show charges.
 On the date of check-in
In case you decide to cancel a booking after scheduled check-in time or do not show up at the hotel, the complete amount shall be deducted as cancellation / no show charges.
Mid Stay Cancellation
In case you decide to shorten your booking before 2 PM, you still will be charged for one night amount. In case you decided to shorten your booking after 2 PM, you will be charged for next two nights. Money paid for the remaining nights will be refunded as per the refund policy.